
Below are links to a variety of projects I have worked on in areas ranging from music to computer science and business. Unfortunately the majority of these are over a decade old since my recent work has been mostly proprietary.


“We are the Children of the 90’s” Spotify Playlist – Over 250 of the greatest songs from the 90’s across a wide variety of genres.

“A Cloud of Guilty Pleasures” Spotify Playlist – Over 100 of the greatest songs that you do not want your friends to know you listen to. Well, it’s time to stop being afraid. Don’t be afraid.

Software / Computer Science

The sWARm Project: A Battle Simulation – A highly customizable battle simulation application. Features include graphical mode for colorful individual simulations and batch mode for mining data across thousands of simulations.

DB Ball Z: Basketball Statistics Database – PHP-based web interface backed by SQL database to allow customized, plain english querying of NBA basketball statistics.

Undergraduate Honors Thesis: Fantasy Football Coach – Software application that provides real-time fantasy football draft strategy. Utilizes numerous game theory based algorithms and player valuation mechanisms to improve draft selections.

Project #1: Hard Drive Geometry – Program written in C to read/write to a hard drive and analyze the results in order to gain insight into the physical construction of the drive.

Schelling Segregation Simulation – A unique spin on the Schelling Segregation model, a simulation used to model various affinities for “proximity to like neighbors.”

Statistical Analysis

DB Ball Z: Basketball Statistics Database – PHP-based web interface backed by SQL database to allow customized, plain english querying of NBA basketball statistics.

Predicting MLB Player Salaries from Player Statistics – A study of the impact of player performance in their contract year on their future salary in Major League Baseball.

Undergraduate Honors Thesis: Fantasy Football Coach – Software application that provides real-time fantasy football draft strategy. Utilizes numerous game theory based algorithms and player valuation mechanisms to improve draft selections.

Reaction Time in Athletes vs Non-Athletes, at Varying Sobriety Levels – A study of reaction time in athletes and non-athletes are varying levels of sobriety.


Project #1: Bond Portfolio Creation

Project #2: Fund of Funds

Project #3: Hedging with a Basket of Futures

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